Sunday, September 7, 2014

The worth of the nerve vine can be heard,
as audible drink the cup may be tonal reverbs,
tucks and Nipped the tongue could ditch,
with read the evidence is mead.

Classic tights to a stupefied stress,
how do you counter fed with safety net of all instead,
enabling random to knit a natural link to curser the brink to furthered think
(a) courting akinned!!

Propose a suppose to equal fact,
moves with interest to keeping breadth,
avail so in sync for the find,
connections will be from this time,
in oddness a trust no earthly explain,
the touch in sake,
to always stay safe.

Feelings today ground to future in past of seen,
easily complete as people know feet attached to the ripple affect to a wave upon the disturb that a stone goes Kong.
As pieces of the Puzzle often riddle sewn,
the balance of the Measure is value on the Tone,
to Create a master teach the self~by`Sake,
a Phone at hand dues write the words in a simple state!!

Action to the bit of each there is a Plate,
stacking books to Post the date reminds the ever glade,
that boughs have limbs attached Treats to bird a flight,
in fact speaking beam the shoulder of the lap.

Cuddle while the Enter excuses in a bath,
addition speech an Apple bitten like a snack,
would is write to be the brave in life of a trap,
past to future all this means is day on the For wrap.

Type that reads to actual the ream of paper magazine the page of every Track,
take it like a Photo Graph to see the pleats on Tack,
saddled with the wait I keep a joker in The back,
puts the beast with all I see to know the easy Rack.

To chase a bee is not my note as I did listen bat,
now the millions have died and Cubs cannot grow black.

Winged for flight in night,
the Time of Age is dread,
as animals are going west the Corpus of their lead.

Notice on agreement fed to never stop the bleeding dead,
the wrung are so frightened the curl in a bed.
The second Machine of auto~states,
the seen in short`text as limit to traced with fill-in determine,
thy face for eyes without wrench,
much will in clay potters crave.

The hands of thus earth need to den birth, try thru.

Trust broken choke on signals the vote, invest a cord Ask the curtain Say.

Raise to the scrub count teach in the groat,
as goats are to path the walls have a task.

Trouble no grit`pearl sands in equipped clam, to the click shell ear herd of lip.

Blood drenched form of bite the gash former gum,
strange crop to shoe in prison now phew.

Cycling verse the gut~stuck intestinal fluids ran course,
text in cave the trail of writ,
torn skin let eye with left in turned steel,
the spark lit investment interest raised divide by compliant trued factor,
hidden view from last Ages 'morrow dest. (dust/desk)

Pinned on plop fire decal'd the debt correct by lie.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Shoe Boxed

Ask the Build of Planet Fare does it Cost to Stair,
the answer came a Spring board day to treat the Winter Freezing State,
the meld of summer Winds that blew began to Fall in leaves too soon,
an puddles it did bring to Reign for honest is the best read stayed.

The Picture of the Walling sub. just reined the split to buckle loved,

than with the World in a grub took the Money said its fudged,
a cream in skirts of froth the Sea spoke Wisely of the dappled key,
the loop a Knot to take the Crop and bring the meet to breezes Propped!!
The drill in on the Earth of deep has be crumb the eel lunged,
a hug address to grounds that sum score the ship tale strum,
a pick in roll the T-post put Wires string fro stream slot spoon,
remove the lane to entry vein a valley shows the Tombs of rain.

Shed the flood for mining jewel open sight climb a Tar,
great pain in ears the scream a Jar all for scrub to scar,
words whom tell of grades so sharp push the send rope,
noose the brain to hards in starch the wears are edible.

Jibbing hooks with a shredders spar no response the farce,
while worth is natural to the Ore shining brightly time is saved,
Age confides thus in pane ashes of the stain glass brained.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Park Traffic Night

Trouble the solar plane reverbing to the tune vibration bets strand,
echo a stuck the tangle of the sign vocalizes shine brights bursting,
shape the blown as the impact of an straight shot smack,
pollutions bloom!!

The range of that Comet strain sped at the think light raced kite,
a string in the Trace of It's Origin sporting hello in the Straights unless!!

The grouping of collection delivery in loved the plan perfects to beam,
radar knack ask the Trap rocking to the smolder be Folk lore.


This Planet is in great distress from Rest,
upsurges flood the bricks of mud shirts,
moving chunks at Pressures speed dirt,
broken by the decades of Societies lie.

Canyons degrade Millions in grave,
the seek carve came naturally in bar,
guards the Cliff either side lift,
left are the Judges in the sky tripped.

Bottom bland the base Ocean sand,
cold or dark in both such parts evolve,
speaking structure purchased light,
in know Time the Ages bit Irons.

A universal noise in the bang Bigs,
no toy that can repair the loud,
design Life create brights.

A Moon Sun Light echoing fight.


A Front to a good introduction is the ability to know the Invitation,
the signs that fly in the big spot lit Sky are the sadness left dreaming,
trails odd looking strange no Audition required just a flight to bleed!!

Pointedly Watch

The Over Sea set that leaves with the brought makes obvious,

the ship thats engine is Oiled not greased creates a Motor cycle,
passing fancy by obstructing the Original from being active,
same as the Theater Piece in a cover-up know Theory!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Slide Teach

Think in the See and Ask you're Well tree,
did the bark make your skin then burn it all in?

Know said the Valley to the view of the growth,
I built a bridge to Envelope post,
one sign said go as the other said stay,
the Third through a fit ran the Whole to a Bay!!

The little taught said how is the bed,
remember the dream that had stingers for Theme?

How is the fireplace hotter than spell,
makes no cents to be a temper sent,
creating laughter a hug from a door,
slammed for the difference just like a snore!!

I'm sure the Remember is skillfully dread,
rolling & rolling the over in stead?

There are these days oops I mean times,
that life does recount the terrible in town,
so crisis those bads to what is had,
leaving the Shed is placing the said,
a Way!!

Cup Of Tea Taughts

I thought for the Moment of an Ocean in mountain,
it rose to the friend of the Title in mend,
said to speak frankly in just a good bend,
turned to be better 'cause I am a Lend!!

Ole to the Future I love to see Love,
in the dance of the anguish I certain a Tug,
down to the Sea Side where Piers are the place,
to check out the seals as a Rock in mistake.

Oh wait just a moment it's a Cliff House on Lake,
bother the living might bring on a Shelf,
as if to be cheered up as oppose to the bell,
like dreams at the sit of a staircase from else.

Dear big deck wide have you still a why,
waddle on over to the prison you are,
look in the Mirror and ask for some fear,
remind yourself Wise double-back Hell!!

As you sit on the Pot for a good think a Lot,
like the bench of the brake that gave you a state,
now go to the porch look up to that sky,
remember the Member it left you like die.

Gosh you're a deep digger got a shovel forked pain,
wood bench reminder of conversations lane??

It's the round Rider eldest of the Family hound,
must leave her encouragement that sounds like a down,
stage that to present the gift of the stray,
I love every One that is a Knight or has a Blunt rapport.


The Ocean of Relief in the Tides of stern A Crater to the Nest Volcano role,
in the breast the Ink in the broth a Head on the Shores the Sand filters.

Trade Winds barrel the pickle Planet late from the Order of the Core,
a cosmic universe in reversal of fate forth coming are the trim lands!!

Shorter are the beaches ask the Drills for the silt fork an Oyster pit,
black Sun in Width burning Moon dye red an angry 
Space littles baked.

Heavy are the fees that pay storage leads,
extinction paces the stead of great lakes.

Watch the spank as Mother Nature pressures Man,
the fan in the Twister of a tornadoes pate!!

I remain in the eye of the storm in best of Seat to this
visible steep,
orion tightened his belch the Skip to a prism in thy 
Three Dire nape.

Watch the global desire fall bait question the Score in
an importance of Skate,
ice breathing fire be joining the plate A shattering Wall
of deepened in Taste. 

Magical Painting Beauty

The Amaze in the dear Voice Express,
my ears tremble with enchantment of the best,
the sweetest speak in the best of said,
a person spoke with spread!!

Change one bit a Singular life,
what an opportunity to now have knocked twice,
keeping the Earth in the Balance of lead,
breeze with the Sun oh Moon won't You said!!

Breaking Sound with a keep in the Head,
swinging to the singer of an Incredible shed,
in the Fact of Cherish it's the magic I touch,
a hug from a friend to the hand held in brushed.

It's the Love of the Luck!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Moon Scape

A Petition for too Life Itself, a Place to figure, Met is chilled....

The death of All, the Voice in Stall, the Push to Stop, a Past...Evolved:

Old and Cast, Out to Sea, Robbed and Real, the Ocean bleed, a seaside port, a plan? Abort.

The effort made, the beach of role, reality delivered, Humanity stole.

The adage of, if you loved, piece in riddle, roughing.

Puzzled brings, simple themes, not every thing clicks to sting.

Hoisting Mass, approved for Math, dollars craft, the death is bact, Naturals summed for the extract.

Debt Unraveling Traveled Set

Imagine Sees or stilts of wonder,
plundered meets,
mined a when,
life was treasured,
lost as sea!!

At the base of the blue,
the vast surreal sanding you,
stones are deals,
decks are views!!

Doors dimension other Waves,
in a move of Chest in game.

Match the strike to only Earth,
the Ocean's dying,
future turf!!

Life does cry in rest of Talk,
killing more with drilled deplore!!